
decentralized immutable unstoppable

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Why Classic?

Ethereum Classic is a decentralized platform that runs smart contracts: applications that run exactly as programmed without any possibility of downtime, censorship, fraud or third party interference.

Ethereum Classic is a continuation of the original Ethereum blockchain - the classic ‘unforked’ version; free from external interference and subjective tampering of transactions.

Read the Declaration

Transaction Finality

We believe the core value proposition of any blockchain is immutability; valid transactions can never be erased or forgotten. Individuals interacting on Ethereum Classic are governed by this reality; Code is Law.

This does not necessarily mean that code replaces existing laws, or that only code is law (there are many geographical jurisdictions), but it gives users the opportunity to enter into a new blockchain-based jurisdiction where agreements are governed by code.

By entering into contracts on Ethereum Classic, you can be certain that the network remains neutral. The outcome of transactions will be dictated by code you voluntarily interact with. Unless explicitly defined by the contract code, there are no reversals, no undos, no opt-outs.

Transactions are final; applications are unstoppable.

Decentralized Governance

There are many problems that fester due to centralization and opaqueness; corruption, unaccountability, nepotism, inefficiency and stagnation. Ultimately, centralization leads to fragility; only decentralized systems can stand the test of time.

These problems can be only solved by adhering to governance systems that do not rely on a central point of failure. Just like distributed networks and the consensus protocol itself, we believe that only truly decentralized projects can survive in the long run.

Ethereum Classic manifests these values by relinquishing control by a formalized central foundation. The only hierarchy is that of transparent meritocracy and mutual reputation. No backroom deals or behind-closed-doors unilateral decision making; just free and open discourse.

Hard Fork Timeline The Events that Created Classic

July 30 2015

Ethereum Launches

Vitalik Buterin and The Ethereum Foundation create the first blockchain-based turing-complete smart contract platform

April 5 2016 Creates TheDAO construct TheDAO Ethereum Contract; a security audit is compelted by Dejavu

April 30

TheDAO Crowdsale Begins

TheDAO smart contract is deployed; members of the public send it value in return for DAO tokens

May 26

Security Proposal announce a $1.5 Million USD proposal, paid in Ether by the crowdfund, 'to guarantee the integrity of The DAO'

May 27

Moratorium Called

On the last day of the crowdsale, DAO curator Vlad Zamfir calls for a moratorium on TheDAO, citing many game-theoritcal security issues

May 27

TheDAO Crowdsale Ends

The crowdsale completes to become the world's largest and raising an incredible $150 Million USD

Jun 9

Recursive Call Bug Discovered

Peter Vessenes publicly discloses the existence of a critical security vulnerability overlooked in many Solidiy contracts

Jun 12

'No Funds at Risk'

Stephan Tual publicly claims that TheDAO funds are safe despite the newly-discoverd critical security flaw

Jun 17, 03:40

TheDAO is Hacked

Ether is slowly and silently drained from TheDAO as the re-entry bug is applied

Jun 17, 07:40

Panic Hits the Markets

The price of Ether is slashed in half as Griff Green announces that TheDAO has been hacked

Jun 17

The Countdown Beings

TheDAO's splitting mechanism gives around a month for a solution to be found that recovers the funds; Foundation and community developers race to implement a soft fork

Jun 21

Robin Hood Group Announced

A group of 'white-hat' hackers secure 70% of TheDAO funds but protocol-level action is required to save the remaining 30% split by the hacker

Jun 24

DAO Wars: Soft Fork Vote

The Etherum Foundation releases a 'Soft Fork' client to censor transactions coming from the hacker; mining pools vote to enable it by lowering gas limit

Jun 28

Soft Fork Vulnerability

Critical Denial of Service flaws are found in the Soft Fork implementation, miners quicky decide not to use it

Jun 28 - Jul 15

Hard Fork Debate

Many days of intense arguing goes on in the Ethereum community about the pros and cons of implementing a Hard Fork

Jul 15

Hard Fork Spec Announced

The only reamining option is a controversial Hard Fork. A Specification is determined and announced by and Ethereum Foundation members

Jul 15

Last Minute Carbonvote

With 12 hours notice, The Etherum Foundation use a controversial third party 'coin vote' to determine that the Hard Fork should be turned on by default; consensus is declaired and an updated client is released

Jul 20

Ethereum Hard Forks

With around 80% of nodes updating to the new client, the community nervously await the arrival of the Hard Fork activation block 192000

Block 192000

'Mission Accomplished!'

The community lets out a sigh of releif as the Hard Fork code is succesfully implemented with no obvious flaws; champangne corks are popped all over the globe

Block 192001

Ethereum Classic is Born

With predictions of the original non-forked chain to disappear within hours, many are surpised to find that miners continue mining blocks on the original chain at a lower hashrate

Jul 23

Poloniex Lists Classic

The largest Etherum exchange lists 'ETC' - Ethereum Classic; many exchanges quickly follow suit, ETC price the peaks to 1/3 of ETH's

Jul 23 Onwards

Community in Disarray

Flame wars begin in the once peacful /r/etherum and /r/ethtrader subreddits and economically-charged vitriolic spats being to take hold of the community as it comes to terms with the split

Jul 24

Ethereum Classic Community

The Ethereum Classic community begins to branch off from the forked-chain subreddits and form it's own communication channels, including /r/EthereumClassic, Slack and Telegram

Aug 10

RHG Strikes Back

The Robin Hood Group attempts to dump a large quantity of stolen ETC on the market. Poloniex freezes the funds. Uncertainty reaches an all time high.

Aug 15

Classic Rebuilds

The Etherum Classic community begins to rally behind a stabailizng ETC price by rebuilding on the Classic network; this website is created, groups are formed, new ideas being to surface


To Be Continued

As both communities begin to refocus efforts on development, despite an uncertain future, we reflect on mistakes of the past and look ahead at future potentials...

Scroll to Progress

Ethereum Classic Community

Thousands of individuals united by the promise of immutability


Fun fact. Everyone who had legacy ETH in your wallet pre-fork, now has an extra ‘bonus’: you have the same amount of classic ether (ETC) on the same address.

Blockchain technology exists to serve the people, and this can only be achieved fairly and effectively if the the network is neutral to which transactions get processed. In the long run, only applications that run this way will be truly trustless, and we need the help of everyday users to grow the network and create demand for useful dapps.


Progression of technology is the fundamental motivating factor of developer adoption. Ethereum Classic represents another chance to continue the development of the original, world-changing, decentralized, turing-complete smart contract platform.

From newbies to professionals, whether you’re a protocol dapp, web or native developer, the Ethereum Classic community always welcomes you help continue the vision.


The hard fork created a huge opportunity for miners, creating two fluctuating currencies to switch their rigs between. Ethereum Classic is presently one of the most profitable crypto-currencies to mine and is attracting substantial hash power with zero switching cost.

With your help, the Ethereum Classic network can grow strong and you will be rewarded for ensuring the future of the original chain. Do it for profit and principles; mine Ethereum Classic today!


Those who understand the core value proposition of blockchain have a unique opportunity to invest in the growth of the original Ethereum vision. Before the fork, Ethereum was valued at around $20 USD.

Using the exact same technology with an untampered chain, Ethereum Classic is presently valued at around $2 USD, and many investors expect an eventual full recovery and surpassing of pre-fork valuations. Don’t miss out on this unique opportunity.

Want to Learn More?

Whatever your interest, join the slack group, and help us continue the original Ethereum vision!

Press Classic in the Media

August 13, 2016NewsBTC

Ethereum Classic’s Proclamation of Independence from Censorship and Interference

August 12, 2016TheMerkle

White Hat Hackers Caught Red-handed During Attempted ETC Sell-off

August 12, 2016CoinTimes

ETC/DAO stolen coins frozen by exchanges was sent by Ethereum Foundation Developers

August 12, 2016EthNews

Ethereum Classic Declares Their Independence From the Foundation

August 11, 2016NewsBtc

White Hat Hackers Could Have Crashed Ethereum Classic

August 11, 2016CoinTelegraph

Korea's Largest Bitcoin Exchange Supports Ethereum Classic, Eliminates All Fees

August 8, 2016CoinDesk

The DAO Hacker is Getting Away

August 7, 2016CoinTelegraph

Roger Ver: Market Viewed Ethereum Fork As Good

August 5, 2016Investopedia

Why are There Now Two Ethereums?

August 4, 2016TheMerkle

Will Coinbase Have Enough of an ETC Supply To Honor Its Promise?

August 4, 2016CryptoCoinsNews

Ethereum Classic Credits Will Soon Be Available on Coinbase

August 2, 2016LiveBitcoinNews

Ethereum Classic Overtakes Ripple and Steem

August 2, 2016CryptoCoinsNews

Major ETH Exchange CHBTC U-Turns, Will List Ethereum Classic In Response To Demand

August 2, 2016EconoTimes

Ethereum Classic becomes third largest cryptocurrency by market cap

August 1, 2016The Wall Street Journal

The Great Digital-Currency Debate: ‘New’ Ethereum Vs. Ethereum ‘Classic’

July 31, 2016Coindesk

The Three Value Propositions of Ethereum Classic

July 31, 2016Brave New Coin

Ethereum Analysis: ETH vs ETC potential parity

July 31, 2016Newsbtc

51Pool Attack Plans 51% Network Attack Against Ethereum Classic

July 30, 2016BitcoinMagazine

How the Great Schism Can End Well for Ethereum Classic

July 30, 2016Cointelegrap

Mainstream Media's Irrational Criticism Towards Ethereum Classic and Bitcoin

July 29, 2016Wall Street Technologist

Ethereum: A Hard Fork Lesson for Bitcoin

July 29, 2016Coindesk

Rise of Replay Attacks Intensifies Ethereum Divide

July 28, 2016Forbes

Ethereum: The Battle Of The Chains

July 28, 2016Coindesk

Ethereum's Two Ethereums Explained

July 24, 2016Coindesk

Ethereum Hard Fork Creates Competing Currencies as Support for Ethereum Classic Rises